Sunday, December 2, 2007

Leaving for the West

Hello everyone! This is Shannon again. I'm just updating the blog for my parents because their internet is so slow. Looks like things are going pretty well. My parents have suffered a lot of jet lag, and are going through culture shock, but are hanging in there! I understand all too well. They left for the Wulumuqi. It sounds like it was a very emotional time. Daniel's nanny practically ran from the room so that Daniel wouldn't see her cry (all the nanny's are told in training to be excited and happy when the day finally comes). But I can only imagine how hard it is for Yvonne to see him go. She's taken great care of him. Daniel went to church with my parents on Sunday morning and they went out to lunch with some of the other foreigners. The second leg of their adventure has begun. Now they are on their own with Daniel. We'll see how everything goes! I'll try to keep updating as I hear news. Here's a picture of mom, dad, Daniel, and my old student/tour guide, Melissa.


Amy said...

How exciting to finally see him in your arms! He looks as "lit up" as you do! It is great that Shannon can relay so much to us when you can't. I am sure she has talked you through so many things from personal experience. We will be praying that you are peaceful as you begin to care for him 24x7. We will also pray for his sweet nanny, Yvonne, as she lets him go into your arms. Praying for great strength for you both. Thank you for the email letting us know about Libi Faith...everyone describes her as sweet, so I think your assessment of her being a "sweetie" is quite accurate. I take such comfort and joy knowing she was in your arms. Make sure that you are taking lots of notes for us!! We will anxiously await another post soon...

Amy said...

Just thinking about you so much today and praying that all is going well as you traveled. I pray that you are settled and that Daniels spirit is peaceful. I pray that you are caring for him with ease and that you are "comfortable". Just know you are in our thoughts and prayers and part of regular conversation over this way! Much love, Amy