Monday, December 17, 2007

Sleeping Through the Night!

I talked to my friend Julie yesterday and she suggested I continue updating our blog for awhile, as communication (on my part) may be difficult these first few weeks or months. I hadn't really thought about it but I think she's right. I don't know how many people will continue to follow our progress, but for those of you who do I hope this will help you to feel a part of our journey.
And, as we said from the very beginning, this blog also serves as a sort of journal for us so that later we can look back and remember what these first few days with Daniel were like.

Daniel slept through the night for the first time last night which was a blessing for him and us. He has been so exhausted but we kept him awake all day yesterday (Sunday), hoping that he would be tired enough to sleep all night. Kristen put him to bed about 10:30 p.m. and he slept until we woke him at 7:30 this morning. Neil and I are still suffering from jet lag ourselves, so we are continuing to wake up anywhere between midnight and 2 a.m. and having trouble getting back to sleep. I am relying on mild sleeping pills that my doctor prescribed for me before we left, but the girls have instructed me that I can only take them for another week. :) They are looking out for me!!

Daniel had more visitors yesterday. Our friends Jim and Jodi stopped by with a meal and spent a little bit of time getting to know Daniel. Again, I was surprised by how well he interacted with them. He is making such progress as it relates to meeting new people. He will now make eye contact and say hello (with a little bit of prompting from us) and will usually carry on a bit of a conversation. Although this sounds like a small thing, for Daniel it is a huge step.

Today was Neil's first day back at work and I know he is struggling to get back into a normal routine. I know he is also missing Daniel and Daniel is missing him. Kristen and Lindsay are taking turns keeping Daniel entertained and busy and I am thankful that they are here to help. I wonder how in the world I will keep him occupied when it is just me and him. After the holidays I will need to get busy finding a playgroup for him. After being with other kids 24-7, I know he will be a bit lonely when the girls go back to school and it is just me and him.


Sherry Semlow said...

PRAISE THE LORD!!! That is so great that he slept through a full night. I am continuing to pray that yours and Neil's body clocks will get back to normal soon as well. Simply Sleep, by Tylenol is a great over the counter (non-addictive) option to help with your sleeping.

It was so great to see you guys at church yesterday. I know this adjustment time is hard and tiring, especially since it's falling at the holidays, but in time it will seem so routine and normal. Know that we are PRAYING for you regularly. You are not walking this alone! You have an army cheering you on and lifting you before the throne.

We love you guys! - Sherry

Amy said...

Just had a chance to sit and look at any new updates. I am thrilled to hear that you had success with sleeping through. I pray that has continued. You looked amazing in church on Sunday! It was so great to see the 3 of you. I echo Sherry's voice in saying that we are right here for whatever you need! Keep pressing on!!
Much love, Amy

Jennifer said...

I was just thinking of you again... wondering how you are all doing and when it would be appropriate to call. I'm looking forward to connecting with you, but know these are some busy days/weeks for you with your transition home AND the holidays. Then I thought to check the blog. I am so pleased you will continue updating it for a time.

How exciting Daniel was able to get a full nights sleep! Will pray that continues and for you and Neil to get reacclimated to our time zone as well. Looking forward to some play time with Daniel, Matthew & Grace.

with much love,

Julie the Doula said...

Make sure you post Christmas pictures of all of you at home! I can't wait to see you all together:)

Merry Christmas!

Love, Julie